• 8 октября 2016, суббота
  • Москва, Нижний Кисловский 7 стр.1

Short-order theatre

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Другие события организатора

2760 дней назад
с 20:00 8 октября до 0:00 9 октября 2016
Нижний Кисловский 7 стр.1

If you think you’ve seen everything in theatre – we might just have a surprise for you. Short Order Theatre is a night of never-before-seen short plays that will be performed exactly once. On top of that, the entire show will be created – written, rehearsed, and performed – in just 24-hours. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? Because it is.

The ticket is only 200 roubles on timepad or at the door. This is the best drama-for-money ratio in your life, dammit! Also, the event is BYOB so it’s up to you to make градус of it even higher.

This invitation is only for the performance. Briefing of the writers, directors and actors will commence at the same place at the same time exactly 24 hours earlier.

Oh yes, if you feel like taking part as a writer, director or an actor, mosey on over to our FB group and sign up!
Just do it now, ya hear?


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